Daily what?
What would a daily blog even consist of? All I got is cats, work, and sex. Mutually exclusive, of course.
Read BlogKnown for what?
Do people ever get known for doing a billion little things? Jack of all Internet moderate fame?
Read BlogToo big for your britches
This last online project has gotten larger and longer than I had anticipated. Writing something week by week has its struggles but on the other hand, I would have never gotten to 78k doing it as a whole project.
Read BlogTo Focus or Not?
My problem isn't writer's block per se. It's writer's focus. So what do I do? Write the correct topic in crap form or meader brilliantly over several plots, doomed to never quite finish anything.
Read BlogOf Varying Types
Another reason I can't finish my short story is that I can't focus on one topic for very long. I seem to really obsess about an idea for a little while, then move on when I figure out a piece.
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