Weekly Update: Week 19
I've actually had a lot of success putting words down. The most I've possibly had in two years. Did it result in a finished piece? Of course not, but we're not giving up.
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Weekly Update: Week 16
After 1 week of trying this whole "Monkey Mind" writing, I think it's going well. I've started a short story I plan on publishing here and my word count is going up!
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Weekly Update: Week 15
It feels like it's been a successful week, even if I don't have the articles or word counts to prove it. But I do think I have a new gameplan for writing in the future.
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Weekly Update: Week 10
This is the second week in a row where I haven't published anything beyond these blogs. I think it's time to reassess my writing plan.
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Weekly Update: Week 7
After a short break, it's time to refocus. However, taking a break has made me reconsider my addiction to my to-do list.
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Weekly Update: Week 6
Successes - ran a half marathon, got the brilliant idea to outline a novel; failures - haven't touched a bit of writing.
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Weekly Update: Week 1
Week 1 of my weekly check-ins on all things creative in my life. I got here through a variety of changes on this site, we'll see if this one sticks!
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Change in Reading = Change in Writing?
I haven't sat down to read a physical book in years. So is it surprising I can't sit down and write one? My mind occasionally stays on the current project, but often winds up somewhere else. Perhaps it's time for Flash Fiction?
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For the love of Spreadsheets
How I used Google docs and spreadsheets to lose 20 pounds (give or take a few) and get into the habit of writing.
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NaNo or Bust?
When NaNoWriMo is almost half over and you're 10% done, is it hopeless? Or was it a completely foolish endevor from the start?
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