Weekly Update: Week 34
I haven't written in months. So this is my push back into it. The move threw me all off and if I'm ever going to publish anything, I have to restart.
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Weekly Update: Week12
Apparently, I have a yearly trend of getting really excited about my goals days 1 through 7. Then for days 8 and on, getting over-anxious because I'm trying to focus on 20 things at once.
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Weekly Update: Week 9
While I didn't create any writing pieces I did create a new theme for a website. It's a large undertaking and one I can't walk away from.
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Weekly Update: Week 7
After a short break, it's time to refocus. However, taking a break has made me reconsider my addiction to my to-do list.
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Weekly Update: Week 4
We're going down. But not for long. This morning I took the morning off to rest up and get back to it. Especially since this is the last few weeks before an actual vacation.
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Weekly Update: Week 2
A few times recently I've had the realization that something I used to struggle with is all of a sudden easy. I hope that eventually happens with writing.
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ENFJ with overactive bladder
There's a stigma that you don't talk about certain things at work or during the interview. You want to fit in as best as possible. But what if there was a culture of actually talking about our personal selves. This is my start.
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Migraine Cluster(fuck)
How do you manage life when practically all of your spoons have been taken away? You do the best you can and commend yourself on accomplishing anything.
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Embrace the process & problems
Day by day, I enjoy the pain of figuring out art. I enjoy the problems that come with it. I don't enjoy worrying about becoming famous or rich. So I focus on the process of happily learning.
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Healthfully DGAF
Being partially blind didn't fit my idea of an independent adult, let alone my ideal perfect future as the do-it-all woman. How did I cope? Essentially not giving a fuck and letting facts be facts.
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