Writing Week 41: Condescending relationship
I'm very sensitive to condescending people in relationships. This wasn't even what I was planning on writing about, but I turned down the brightness of my laptop to write on the plane and immediately thought of it.
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Writing Week 38: Progress somewhere else
I've been struggling to write, but thankfully, I feel like I'm improving in other creative pursuits. Or, I'm just interested in a different style of photography now and it's not like my old stuff... so it seems "better".
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Writing Week 35: Pansexual Characters
As a woman married to a man, I feel like I'm 'blending' into a hetero world. Beyond my little rainbow flag, I don't talk about it much because I'm not dating anymore. But I can still write about LGBTQIA+ characters dating.
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Weekly Update: Week 34
I haven't written in months. So this is my push back into it. The move threw me all off and if I'm ever going to publish anything, I have to restart.
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Weekly Update: Week 26
Obviously this is no longer a 'weekly blog', but my hope is I get back into writing more.
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Weekly Update: Week 22
It’s been a busy few weeks. Though none of it has involved writing, it hasn’t been totally void of creativity. From mocking up a new website to designing a whole house, things are moving along.
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Weekly Update: Week 20
I ran through the top 6 conflict types and noticed that I only really write about 1 or 2. But if I can combine relationship lessons/advice and my love for feel-good romance stories, isn't that a win-win?
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Weekly Update: Week 19
I've actually had a lot of success putting words down. The most I've possibly had in two years. Did it result in a finished piece? Of course not, but we're not giving up.
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Weekly Update: Week 17
I can finally say I've had a productive week of writing. Have I actually published anything on my site? No. But, I have actually put words down.
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Weekly Update: Week 16
After 1 week of trying this whole "Monkey Mind" writing, I think it's going well. I've started a short story I plan on publishing here and my word count is going up!
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