Writing Week 41: Condescending relationship
I'm very sensitive to condescending people in relationships. This wasn't even what I was planning on writing about, but I turned down the brightness of my laptop to write on the plane and immediately thought of it.
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Glitter Beard
I prefer "partner" over "wife". It feels right in our relationship, I'm not just "his wife" but an equal partner. Someone that isn't defined as a gendered role with gender norms to follow. I'm not at risk of being 'too masculine'.
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Inflection and Intention
When I write about relationships in fiction I try and highlight the good and bad qualities of ones I've seen before, including my own. So much so that now I'm very conscious about how mine is perceived.
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Open Letter to Bellesa.co & Sluts and Scholars
For those that don't know, this is totally directed at a porn site. Why would a feminist write about porn? Because we're allowed to be sexual creatures and deserve proper education on the matter. It's not all about the penis.
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"Just Relax" isn't relaxing
The phrase can be used in proper contexts, like with a masseuse or physical therapist. In bed with an obviously uncomfortable person is not the place. It's not sexy or calming and shouldn't be portrayed in movies as such.
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Shave it off and connect
Find that person that's willing to shave half your head. Not because he thinks it will look good, but because he knows it'll make you happy.
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To Pseudonym or Not?
To keep anyone that knows me totally out of my writing life or not? Is there anything to be ashamed about? Will I ever answer these questions? Stay tuned...
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Try before you bi?
The exact label of what I am or could have been has never hung me up, because it doesn't matter. So why do people focus so much on how other people label themselves?
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Proud Dirty Shoe v2
V1 started the blog. I wanted to assess and write why my stances were so important to me. There's a famous sex ed tape that depicts women as shoes. Those that sleep around are dirty and not worth marrying. It's completely wrong.
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Green is not a good color for love
A relationship should never be based on jealousy. And I dislike hearing about them and even more hate reading about them as a 'typical' relationship.
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