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Weekly Update: Week 19

I've actually had a lot of success putting words down. The most I've possibly had in two years. Did it result in a finished piece? Of course not, but we're not giving up.


Weekly Update: Week 15

It feels like it's been a successful week, even if I don't have the articles or word counts to prove it. But I do think I have a new gameplan for writing in the future.


Weekly Update: Week 10

This is the second week in a row where I haven't published anything beyond these blogs. I think it's time to reassess my writing plan.


Weekly Update: Week 7

After a short break, it's time to refocus. However, taking a break has made me reconsider my addiction to my to-do list.


Weekly Update: Week 16

I feel like this has been such a hectic over-packed week. As I mentioned last week, I'm trying out this whole 'monkey mind' writing. I'm not even sure I'm doing it like the author of the article meant it to be done. But my word count is up, so I'll keep doing it. The problem is finding time to write. Now that I'm not so concerned with what I'm writing, it's finding when or where to write.

I also decided to run with the random book ideas I have and turn them into short stories as practice. Some places will accept stories that have already been published on your website, but really, I'm not even concerned with that yet. I just want to keep practicing, maybe build some sort of following and keep growing. So in a week or so, I hope to start publishing pieces of a short story on here. I haven't decided if I want to finish it before publishing the first piece. There is some truth to using a content calendar to push yourself to writing faster. So I'm more likely to keep the story going if I put myself out there and publish the first section.

To celebrate black history month, I decided to try and read only black authors. And since I accidentally signed up for another year of DC Unlimited, I decided to try and find black comic authors... It was harder than it should have been. It was a mixture of 1. there not being many and 2. the app's filters aren't great. I do commend DC for highlighting their black superheroes, but I won't count them if they are written by the same white people writing everything else.

Which brings up something interesting I found this week. I had thought I just wasn't a comic book person. Growing up, I loved the Teen Titans and Justice League TV shows. They're what drew me to superheroes and ultimately this DC Universe streaming service. I finally had all these comics and I could catch up on the various storylines and really explore all the characters I loved. But I couldn't get into the comic books. I thought they were a little dry. The stories weren't exciting and they just sort of wrapped up without a real flow.

So when I decided to give it another go this month, I wasn't expecting much. However... I discovered Far Sector by NK Jemisin and loved it. I mean an adorable badass woman that is open and casual about being a bisexual. Love it.

Now I'm going to go back and read all the novels NK Jemisin put out. So overall, I would consider it a good week.