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Weekly Update: Week 19

I've actually had a lot of success putting words down. The most I've possibly had in two years. Did it result in a finished piece? Of course not, but we're not giving up.


Weekly Update: Week 16

After 1 week of trying this whole "Monkey Mind" writing, I think it's going well. I've started a short story I plan on publishing here and my word count is going up!


Weekly Update: Week 15

It feels like it's been a successful week, even if I don't have the articles or word counts to prove it. But I do think I have a new gameplan for writing in the future.


Weekly Update: Week 7

After a short break, it's time to refocus. However, taking a break has made me reconsider my addiction to my to-do list.


Daily what?

Last week I tried to write a daily blog. The thought was to use 'peer pressure' of saying I would write a daily blog to push myself to get in the habit of writing the same time every night. It almost worked. Till Friday came around.

I've been thinking of what I would be known as. And do I keep my personal life separate from my writing, or fully throw it out there?

I want to be unique somehow and I don't want to be just another person posting cat pictures. So what is there about my day to day that would be interesting? My partner is a Casey Neistat fan. And the other day while we were watching a video we had to admit we were just watching someone else live his life. But it's interesting. And besides cats, I'm not sure what I got. Last Tuesday, I literally went hopping down the stairs exclaiming that I finally got a pee sample from the cat to be able to test her for a UTI. That was my excitement for the day. Maybe week. I mean it was a huge success.

I suppose the more personal side of my life could be more interesting. After all, I do tend to write more...mature content. But while it's certainly satisfying, it's not all that exciting. The big event this week was that I ran out of toy cleaner and tried to make a joke of it by sending a picture with the most innocent thing you could think of with it. Sadly he didn't recognize the bottom half of the bottle as well as I do and didn't get the joke. My partner did suggest that I could write sex toy reviews, but who has the money for that?

So blast it all out there and hope something sticks? In reality, I'm mostly writing for practice anyway. My main goal was to write novels not blogs, this is just a side piece to explain why I write about what I write about. And it's good learning.

Gone but not forgotten